Fondo sociale europeo Plus

European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) - Regional Programme 2021/2027

The Strategy of the Fse Plus Regional Programme comes as a result of a participatory process with local authorities, stakeholders, economic and social partners, in integration with other European and national funds. The main goal is to generate new sustainable and inclusive growth and new quality jobs, supporting Emilia-Romagna Region in its dual ecological and digital transition. This will also help reducing economic, social, gender, generational and territorial gaps.

With the new Fse Plus Programme, Emilia-Romagna Region will move ahead with an unprecedented investment in its people: the path to economic, social and environmental sustainability requires, in fact, an educational and training infrastructure that can ensure everyone has the right to access quality services, starting from early childhood. Also, it will improve knowledge and skills in the phase while approaching the labor market as well as throughout their working lives, fostering paths of professional growth and supporting the quality of employment and related transitions.

The Fse Plus Regional Programme has four priorities, each of which has specific lines of intervention. A total of 1,024,214,643 euros are available to implement the activities.

€ 162,000,000 for Priority 1 - Employment

€ 202,000,000 for Priority 2 - Education and Training

€ 288,000,000 for Priority 3 - Social inclusion

€ 340,000,000 for Priority 4 - Youth employment

€ 32,214,643 for Technical assistance - To support Programme implementation in its main phases of preparation, management, monitoring and control.

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